BOOKS - The Pathway to Success
By Latha Krishnan
Whenever you read about famous personalities you will find some common traits in them. Some of which are that they all rise early in the morning, value time, exercise and Read Books of course!So what is the big deal about reading books you may ask?
You will be surprised to know that there are numerous benefits to cultivating the habit of reading. These benefits can be life changing especially in current age and time, where we are too much dependent and glued to technology for everything, resulting in lack of confidence, creativity, ingenuity and sleep. This habit is best developed from a young age for best results.
Now, let us list out the top 6 advantages of reading books that I have personally experienced in my life:
Improves your Communication Skill
No matter which job you apply for, most of the companies are looking for candidates who have excellent communication skills (both written and verbal). This skill sets you apart from the rat race and gives you a winning edge. This invaluable skill can be cultivated by reading lots of books, no matter which genre or author. Reading improves your vocabulary, attitude and speech. If you are really into reading, you will realize that you gradually become aware of so many new words, phrases, usages of language in various contexts that your communication automatically improves to a great extent.
Ignites your Creative Flair
Reading different types of books ranging from autobiographies, fiction, real life stories etc, opens up your mind to a variety of thinking processes and possibilities. Your perspective towards life starts shifting. You can shape yourselves towards your goal by reading books which convey required information. This eventually helps you with all aspects of your life.
Boosts your Concentration and Focus
Good books are hard to put down once you start reading them. Apart from giving you the happiness of reading something wonderful, it teaches you patience, concentration and focus. These attributes if applied in daily lives can take you to places you dream of reaching in your life.
Increases Memory Power
As the number of books you have read increases, so does your memory. It stores all the valuable learning from all the books you have ever encountered. Avid readers have a habit of highlighting the best lines in the books they have read for future reference and positive guidance when needed. Such habits greatly increase memory, which turns of to be extremely useful in your work front.
Wise use of Time
These days people mostly spend their free time browsing social networking sites or chats, watching movies or playing games on phones, which at the end of the day rarely adds any value to our lives. On the other hand, if you use your spare time to read good books, you can actually delve into a realm which is not only relaxing but profoundly more knowledgeable and satisfying from every perspective.
Induces Peaceful Sleep
It has also been scientifically proven that unlike using electronic gadgets before sleeping, whose extended exposure can result in insomnia; reading books makes your mind peaceful and induces good sleep.
So friends, what are you waiting for? Go and Grab a good book, share books with friends, immerse yourselves in this habit and pave your Pathway to Success!