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Succeeding the Akshay Kumar Way by Virender Kapoor

Succeeding the Akshay Kumar Way

Virender Kapoor

  • Rs. 180.00

ISBN: 9789353043674

Author: Virender Kapoor

Language: English

Binding: Paperback

Publisher: Rupa Publications India

Published Month: September 2018

Pages: 126

Akshay Kumar’s life offers the perfect recipe for a ‘happiness package’!

What is success? Is it money, fame, health, family, respect, happiness, professional acclaim, and satisfaction? In fact, success is all of this put together.

Akshay has carved out a unique Success Quotient which can be emulated by anyone for a happy and contented life. He has a perfect recipe for success—and living life king-size. This book unravels the ingredients that go into creating a successful, well-balanced life, by closely analysing what Akshay Kumar did and did not do, to be able to create the ‘happiness package’ for himself.

Grab the book and learn from someone who has made it big!

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