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The Song in the Night by Qazi Fasih

The Song in the Night

Qazi Fasih

  • Rs. 265.00

ISBN: 9789353041144

Author: Qazi Fasih

Language: English

Binding: Paperback

Publisher: Rupa Publications India

Published Month: July 2018

Pages: 189

In the Indus River Delta, the villagers who live along its waterways have rebelled against the construction of a canal that threatens their traditional livelihood. Jannu, a fisherman who lives in the wetlands with his family, finds himself at the head of a movement that brings the simple village folk against the industrialists, financiers, and government officials in charge of the canal’s construction. Amidst the seething conflict, his daughter falls in love with a boy who plays his flute to serenade her in the still of night. But there is an aging landowner waiting in the wings to marry her who will brook no refusal.

Can love blossom despite the harsh reality they face? What will happen to the village folk and the mighty river?

Written with great sensitivity, this is a tale that will linger with you even after it is over, like a song in the night.

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