The Ultimate Unofficial Encyclopedia for Minecrafters: Multiplayer Mode
This adventure series is created especially for readers who love the fight of good vs. evil, magical academies like Hogwarts in the Harry Potter saga, and games like Minecraft, Terraria, and Pokemon GO. In Minecraft's infinite, expandable, interactive playground, players are free to create— or destroy —anything in the universe. But interactive play opens an entirely new way for players to experience the world of Minecraft, and this is the first gamer's guide to tackle all the possibilities of Minecraft's open platform, multiplayer world. Learn everything you need to know about this whole new way of experiencing the amazing and ever-expanding world of Minecraft, including: How and where to play safely online Three ways to play: LAN, server, and realms Parkour, roleplay, and mini-games Playing in Creative and Survival modes Finding and making the most of mods And server plugins for advanced players! With hundreds of screenshots for easy visual reference and definitions of every term that might trip a player up, this exciting book covers the A to Z of collaborating with Minecraft's millions of players, from everywhere in the world!