Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism
The argument of this book can be summed up succinctly: unregulated capitalism is bad for women, and if we adopt some ideas from socialism, women will have better lives.
If done properly, socialism leads to economic independence, better labour conditions, better work/family balance, and, yes, even better sex.
That's it. If you like the idea of such outcomes, then come along for an exploration of how we might change things.
If you are dubious because you don't understand why capitalism as an economic system is uniquely bad for women, and if you doubt that there could ever be anything good about socialism, this short treatise will provide some illumination.
If you don't give a whit about women's lives because you're a gynophobic right-wing internet troll, save your money and get back to your parents' basement right now; this isn't the book for you.